Basic Mountain Biking

What does it take to go mountain biking? Having worked in a bike shop for many years, a Wal Mart bike can do it, if you want bent rims. I still often ride road bikes on single track… they turn easy flow trails with a few rocks into a technical rock-garden. It’s not fast, but the challenge is fun.

This single speed was requested by the customer to be the most basic mountain bike. It’s a single speed. It has good budget parts. It’s got a good suspension fork. It is not compromised. Purity? Why not? It will ride all the local trails while being fun. And if later the customer wants to add gears and a dropper, it’s as simple as installing them.

But just because it’s basic and affordable doesn’t mean it’s not custom, doesn’t mean it doesn’t look good or ride well.


Earth Day?


The Omnivolens